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In ancient Egypt, obelisks were associated with the sun god Ra, and the obelisk form was created to represent a petrified ray of the sun. Herodotus was among the first to describe these forms, coining the term obelisk from the Greek obelus, or 'pointed pillar'. Obelisks continue to fascinate, and small-scale models crafted in a wide range of materials are prized by collectors across the globe. Our desk-scaled models pay homage to this tradition, and we hope they'll in turn spark curiosity for generations to come.


This handbuilt Obelisk Nº 5 is meticulously crafted to order in the bindery in green floral Italian paper, and has wooden ball spacers painted in green to match.

Obelisk Nº 5, 21" in Green Floral Print

  • 21½" tall, 4" wide at the base, with ¾" painted wooden ball spacers 

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