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Welcome to Souvenir, the Parvum Opus Blog!

In the early days of my studio, Parvum Opus, I kept a blog where I explored subjects that inspired and shaped my art practice. As is likely true for many of us in the arts, my media focus shifted to Instagram, where short thoughts and photographs became the order of the day. I still enjoy a good scroll, of course, but sometimes a deeper dive can be more fun, so the time seems right to bring the focus back to sharing more nuanced insights into the myriad of fascinating subjects that influence my work and spark my imagination. I'm always in search of curiosities and new ideas, and Souvenir  will be a repository for these aesthetic wanderings.

A table in a home library, stacked with books and interesting souvenirs
Above, our library table at home, fully laden with souvenirs both collected and crafted, including treasures brought back from our recent visit to Rome & Florence. The metal model of the Campanile di Giotto is from Boni Antichità in Florence, the little marble Colosseum was purchased on the street near the Roman Forum, the little seashell-shaped inkwell made by Ginori was found in a 4th generation antiques shop in the shadow of the Pantheon, the 'Sidereal Messenger' is souvenir from the Galileo Museum, and of course, some of my own pieces, made in homage to Grand Tour souvenirs.

Why call the blog Souvenir? The definition says it all: a souvenir is an object kept as a reminder, a remembrance, an object imbued with meaning-- I find that notion to be quite beautiful. As an artist and maker, I happen to be one of those people who develops a very strong connection to objects. When I come upon an interesting piece, new or old, I can't help but be intrigued by how it was made, who made it, where it's been. Over the years, my family and I have enjoyed surrounding ourselves with meaningful things. In a way, all of the special objects we collect function like souvenirs or tokens of remembrance: they connect us to the people that made them, to places, to life experiences. Here on the blog, I look forward to sharing thoughts on decorative arts, collecting, news from Parvum Opus HQ and even an occasional DIY craft project for you to try at home. How does that sound?

Thank you for joining me on this mini odyssey, and I look forward to sharing the journey with you all.

Erika, written

Souvenir is the blog for Parvum Opus, an artist-run studio specializing in artistic decorative objects and home furnishings. We welcome your thoughts! Comment below to join the conversation, and if you enjoyed this, don't forget to subscribe to receive an email when we publish new posts.


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2024년 7월 08일

You live a gracious life surrounded by beautiful objects. I admire all of your pieces .

I feel serene when I look at your exquisite vignettes.

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